The Democrats led by Barack Obama are pushing a so called stimulus package in order to help the ailing economy. The stated purpose of the package is to create jobs and get the economy moving but nearly half of the money being spent will not create jobs and it will not stimulate the economy. It amounts to nothing more than a 314 BILLION dollar payoff to constituencies.
While the Democrats are paying back their friends and supporters with money that we must borrow and that will not fix the problem, they are telling the Pentagon to cut its budget by 11%. The Pentagon is being directed to cut its budget by 55 BILLION dollars while Congress is trying to spend nearly six times that amount on social welfare and other non stimulating items. Democrats are cutting the defense budget while the country is at war and at the same time spending money to combat sexually transmitted diseases all in the name of the economy and job creation. Here is what the Democrats will spend money on while cutting defense:
- $83 billion in welfare payments (the earned income credit for people who don’t pay income tax)
- $81 billion for Medicaid
- $66 billion on “education”, more than the entire Department of Education required just ten years ago
- $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits
- $20 billion for food stamps
- $8 billion on “renewable energy” projects, which have a low or negative return
- $7 billion for “modernizing federal buildings and facilities”
- $6 billion on urban transit systems, dominated by unions and which, almost universally, lose money
- $2.4 billion for “carbon-capture demonstration projects”
- $2 billion for child-care subsidies
- $1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that’s run in the red for 40 years
- $650 million for “digital TV conversion coupons” (on top of billions already spent)
- $600 million on new cars for government (added to the $3 billion already spent each year)
- $400 million for “global-warming research”
- $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
Notice that many of these items will not create jobs and they will certainly not stimulate the economy. These items are getting money at a time when the Pentagon is being told to cut its budget.
We have seen what happens when the Pentagon is forced to make drastic cuts. We had Carter and Clinton who wrecked the military and decreased spending. Now we have Obama who is hell bent on destroying the military and our country right along with it.
We also have word that they will be cutting new weapon systems. Carl Levin had this to say about the situation:
“We don’t want to reduce personnel; we don’t want to shortchange personnel” amid a war, he said. “So we’ve got to look to the future and make savings there. There’s the fact of life.”
Levin declined to name specific weapons that are likely to be on the chopping block. Prairie Pundit
They don’t want to cut the people, just the new equipment that the people use to win wars and stay alive. They don’t want to shortchange personnel they just want to shortchange what the personnel have to do their jobs.
I don’t know why anyone would stay in the service in this environment.
I do know that there will be losses of personnel and there will be more deaths and future attacks on our country because the slobbering idiots in the Democratic party would rather cut defense than any precious welfare program. They want to spend 83 BILLION dollars on welfare while cutting 55 BILLION from defense.
Here is an idea. Take the people on welfare and put them in the military and ship them off to war. Then take the money you save and put it in the defense budget.
Isn’t it amazing that Obama will cut the military and weaken the defense of this country in order to save money and to keep from having to cut welfare? He will also cut the new weapon systems our troops need to protect themselves.
He did not spare any expense in having that nice new Caddy built with all the gee whiz protection.
Barack Obama has also sent 20 MILLION dollars to Hamas as so called “emergency relief.” Anyone with a brain knows that the money will never make it to the people. Hamas will keep it to buy weapons and to ensure the leadership is taken care of. This dimwit we have as a president will send 20 million dollars to a terror group while cutting the defense budget.
Who would be a friend to the terrorists and an enemy to his troops?
First Carter and then Clinton.
Et tu Barack?
Doug Ross