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Israel Should Cease Firing When Hamas Is Destroyed

Copyright © 2015 Big Dog. Visit the original article at http://www.onebigdog.net/israel-should-cease-firing-when-hamas-is-destroyed/.

When Israel reatliated against Hamas for the daily rocket attacks I made it clear that she should wipe out Hamas or there will be future problems. I am not the only one. Those who side with Israel (the people who are not anti Semites) know all too well the game that is played. Israel takes action, the other side cries and demands a cease fire because of the death and suffering and then, when circumstances allow, the terrorists attack again. The only way to prevent it is an absolute victory that involves wiping out the enemy.

Hamas has no intention of living in peace. It is sworn to destroy Israel and it has made its intentions quite clear. Despite this, Israel has stated that it met its goals and declared a unilateral cease fire.

One would think that the members of Hamas who lived through the ordeal would be happy to be alive and that the action had stopped.

Of course, we are talking about barbaric morons who use the media to play games and who attack innocent civilians. These are the people who say they want action stopped but then do things to provoke more attacks. Thus is the case with the latest cease fire.

JERUSALEM (CNN) — Militants fired six rockets into southern Israel and exchanged gunfire with troops in northern Gaza Sunday, hours after Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire in the Palestinian territory, an Israeli spokesman said.

The Qassam rockets were fired into Sderot at 9 a.m. — seven hours after Israel’s cease-fire went into effect. The rockets did not injure anyone, and Israeli aircrafts destroyed the rocket launcher soon afterward, an Israeli military spokesman said.

What will it take before Israel understands what has to be done to stop the attacks? Until she realizes that the terrorists will not stop and do not want peace, the same scenario will play out over and over like a Jewish version of the movie Ground Hog Day.

There will be no peace until those who continually strive to destroy Israel are killed.

Israel should learn this lesson soon or it will be playing this movie over and over for generations to come.

Sources: Pajama’s Media | Atlas Shrugs

Big Dog

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