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Hamas Issues Death Threats To Jewish Children

Copyright © 2015 Big Dog. Visit the original article at http://www.onebigdog.net/hamas-issues-death-threats-to-jewish-children/.

One thing that is true about Islamic terrorists (and some Muslims that are not terrorists) is that they love to play the victim. People get on planes and make comments about the plane blowing up and then get ticked off when they are removed after the plane is evacuated and searched. They wear shirts with threatening words and then sue when forced to cover them up. The terrorists attack, attack, attack and then when there is retaliation they complain that they are victims and beg for intervention.

Hamas launched rockets and mortars into Israel for a long time and Israel finally had enough. The response was quick, brutal and lethal. Israel targeted only items of military interest and has gone out of its way to minimize civilian casualties. Hamas intentionally tries to kill non combatants. In all reality, if Israel wanted to intentionally target non combatants then Gaza would be a pile of rubble littered with dead bodies. Israel has the capability to wipe out all life there but has chosen to only target the terrorists.

Now that Israel is kicking the snot out of Hamas, the terror group is complaining about civilian casualties and the “holocaust” inflicted by Israel. Of course it has the useful idiots in the media and those who protest the acts of Israel all bent out of shape but the reality is, Hamas started it and Israel, we pray, will end it.

A Hamas leader has warned that Jewish children around the world are legitimate targets and will be killed because Israel has killed children in Gaza. The deaths of the children in Gaza, while tragic, are the result of the cowardly acts of Hamas who sets up its rocket launchers in populated areas. Their deaths do not however, legitimize the targeting of Jewish children. Their deaths legitimize hunting down and killing Hamas members like the dirty little mangy dags they are (no insult to dirty mangy dogs intended).

Hamas is up to its same tricks. It is using children as props to show off the wounded. This has been seen before where the same dead kid is pulled from debris in different locations, often by the same guy, to make it look like many children are dying. The pictures are staged photo ops to garner sympathy from the world and to have it exert pressure on Israel to stop.

The threat against Jewish children around the world clearly demonstrates why Israel must continue until every last maggot in Hamas is annihilated. These animals do not fight like men. They hide behind women and children and they cry when some of them are killed.

I want to know why the terrorist friendly media even give the deaths any mention. Hamas has stated that they want to die and that it is the goal of all Muslims to die for Allah. They have told us that dying in the fight for Allah makes them martyrs and that it is their dream to become martyrs. Some of them even send their children, the very children they are crying about now, to be suicide bombers so they martyr themselves for the cause. What is it they say, they embrace death more than we embrace life (or words to that effect)?

If this is the case then why do they not just embrace the deaths of their people and move on. If it is so glorious to die for Allah then why do they all get on camera and shed crocodile tears over the deaths of those who they want to be martyred in the first place? As far as I am concerned, Israel is just helping them reach their lifelong dreams.

No matter what, it would be a good idea for Jews to be extra vigilant. These savages are not beyond attacking Jewish children if the opportunity arises.

That is, unless Israel can send them all to hell real soon.

Times UK

Big Dog

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