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All Out War In Gaza

Copyright © 2015 Big Dog. Visit the original article at http://www.onebigdog.net/all-out-war-in-gaza/.

The Israelis have had enough of Hamas lobbing rockets and mortars into their country and last Saturday the small country unleashed pure hell in Gaza. The Israeli Air Force bombed Hamas strongholds and tunnels as well as buildings and facilities the Israelis believe were being used to further Hamas’ war making ability.

The Arab world expressed its anger and the anti Semites in many countries, including the USA, have protested the actions taken by Israel. Palestinian and Hamas sympathizers are denouncing the actions of Israel as barbaric and inhumane. Interestingly, none of these miscreants were seen protesting all the time that Hamas was shelling Israel. It would seem that these people are OK with Hamas attacking Israel but are a bit upset over the response that Stevie Wonder could have seen coming.

Hamas is crying for help as well:

Hamas, which is branded a terror group by Israel and the West, has lashed out at the world for not doing enough to end the blitz.

Israel is “committing a holocaust as the whole world watches and doesn’t lift a finger to stop it,” Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum told reporters. Breitbart

Hamas is lashing out at the world for not doing enough to stop Israel from attacking. I guess it escapes these people that they held the key to preventing the attacks in the first place. All they had to do was stop launching rockets and mortars into Israel. It is that plain and simple and Hamas and its protesting sycophants are either blind to this notion or are too stupid to understand it.

The simple truth is that Israel is retaliating for attacks on its country. Israel warned Hamas that it would be attacked if it did not stop but Hamas continued demonstrating arrogance by increasing the attacks. Now it wants the world to step in and prevent this “holocaust.”

Since the Muslims do not believe in the Holocaust that exterminated millions of Jews why should anyone give credence to the claims of a holocaust that involves fewer than 1000 lives, most of which are bad guys?

No, Hamas knows that words have effect and they are using “holocaust” when referring to an act of war in order to garner sympathy. Israel is not lining up Muslims and sending them to gas chambers to be killed. Israel is using military force to end attacks on its nation.

Hamas made its bed and now it can sleep in it.

As for the protesters, they should have been protesting Hamas to stop the rocket attacks. Silence equals agreement and by remaining silent they agreed with what Hamas was doing.

Now they can watch as those they silently encouraged are obliterated provided, of course, Israel does not stop short as in skirmishes past.

Big Dog

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